Cirstin Conneely, LCSW
Certified Psychoanalyst
Seeking a therapist for yourself or your loved one is a challenging task at a time of anxiety, distress, confusion, trauma, grief, or overwhelming life circumstance. Your sense of hope and personal efficacy may have been terribly shaken. It is a significant decision to entrust a therapist with your vulnerabilities and private matters.
As a certified psychoanalyst, I aim to earn your trust and lend my skills to our discovery of what is contributing to difficulties for you in the here-and-now. A challenging situation actually represents a hidden opportunity to realize new leaps of growth and development in many spheres of your life, but it is often necessary to make use of another person's mind to work through those blocks. These principles reflect aspects of my ethical stance and therapeutic ways of listening.
From my office in Dobbs Ferry in Westchester, NY, I offer a diversity of therapeutic services with children, adolescents and adults. These range from individual therapy, family therapy, and psychoanalysis.
A psychoanalytic foundation informs my way of thinking and working in all these clinical situations. I listen sensitively to what persons may be communicating unconsciously - or outside their awareness - so as to glean important clues to overcome their impasse. Ultimately, the goal is to foster the development of the persons' mind so as to equip them to transform a situation or crisis into a new way of living more meaningfully and joyously.
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